
Next generation modular control surface
TouchOSC Manual

Preferences · Script


In Control Surface mode, long-running scripts will be terminated to prevent the application from stalling.


    The default setting, any one script is allowed to take up to ~200ms.

  • LONG

    For older devices running complex layouts it might be helpful to extend the timeout to ~2000ms. Please use this setting with caution and only if absolutely necessary.

NOTE that in editor mode, the timeout will always be longer than either of these settings to allow for long-running, manually launched scripts to help with editing actions.

Invalid API Usage

When invalid API usage is detected (e.g. accessing non-existent control properties or values, or calling API functions with wrong arguments) the following action will be taken:


    If the Log View is active an error message will be printed to the SCRIPT log and the script will be stopped.

  • WARN

    If the Log View is active a warning message will be printed to the SCRIPT log and the script will continue to execute. If the API call in question expects a return value, nil will be returned.


    No message will be printed in the SCRIPT log and the script will continue to execute. If the API call in question expects a return value, nil will be returned.

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