
Next generation modular control surface
TouchOSC Manual

Preferences · Import

Options that apply to the import of touchosc files.

TouchOSC Mk1 defines some OSC messages that are either enabled globally in the application's OSC options or automatically enabled for all controls. To provide backwards compatibility some of the following preferences offer the option to generate these messages automatically on import.

Apply Classic Style

This option will configure the properties of all imported controls to closely resemble the look of the original control rendering of the TouchOSC Mk1 app.

Global OSC Messages

If enabled, will cause a script to be generated at document level to periodically send a /ping OSC message on all configured OSC connections.

Note: As the globally configured value for the delay of this message can not be read from the TouchOSC Mk1 app's preferences, please see the script source at the document level to manually change this value.


If enabled, will cause a script to be generated at document level to send a /accxyz OSC message with three float parameters sampled from the device's accelerometer hardware (if any) on all configured OSC connections on each update.

Control OSC Messages

If enabled, will cause a send-only /<control-path>/touch OSC message to be generated that will send when the control's touch value changes.


If enabled, will cause a receive-only /<control-path>/visibility OSC message to be generated that will apply the received value to the control's visibility property.


If enabled, will cause receive-only /<control-path>/position/x and /<control-path>/position/y OSC messages to be generated that will apply the received value to the control frame's x and y properties respectively.


If enabled, will cause receive-only /<control-path>/size/w and /<control-path>/size/h OSC messages to be generated that will apply the received value to the control frame's w and h properties respectively.


If enabled, will cause a receive-only /<control-path>/color OSC message and an associated script to be generated that will apply the received string value to the control's color property. The script handles the conversion of TouchOSC Mk1's fixed color names to equivalent RGBA color values.

Control Key Messages
Convert to OSC messages

If enabled, will convert all key messages found in the source layout to OSC messages.

These messages will be in the same format the TouchOSC Bridge expects, and therefore can be used to trigger the same key press and release events as TouchOSC Mk1.

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