Configures KodeLife's internal output display area.
Determines the resizing applied when displaying the output image in the preview area's available space.
Scales so the whole area gets filled with no background color bars, might result in cropping of the output image.
Scales so the whole output image will be displayed without cropping, might result in surplus space being filled with the display's background color.
Scales so the output image fits exactly, ignoring the output image's aspect ratio.
Apply no scaling at all and display the output image centered in the available space of the preview area.
Choose to apply a post-processing filter to the final output image before display.
Background color of the preview area.
Configures an optional external display window.
Disable or choose which output image to display in the external window.
No external output window.
Display the project's final output image.
Display the most recently rendered frame of KodeLife's text editor.
Display a composite of the project's final output image and the most recently rendered frame of KodeLife's text editor.
See Internal Display Scaling options.
Background color of the external window.
Note: Only available on Windows and macOS platforms.
Depending on platform this enables either Syphon or Spout texture sharing sources.
Three different images can be shared simultaneously using this method:
The most recently rendered master output frame.
The most recently rendered frame of KodeLife's text editor.
A composite of the previous two frames.
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