
Real-time GPU shader editor
KodeLife Manual

Preferences · Editor

Show Tab Bar

Show or hide the code editor's tab bar.

Show Output Pane

Show or hide the code editor's message output panel.

Text Shadow

Render text in the editor with a drop-shadow effect of the chosen color.

Text Background

Render lines of text in the editor with a background of the chosen color and a chosen fill mode:

  • Fit will render the background extending only as far as the width of each line.
  • Fill will always extend the background to the right edge of the editing area.

Highlight Current Line

Will highlight the current line with a rectangle of the chosen color. If the Pulse option is enabled, this rectangle will fade in and out slowly over time.

Indicate Error Line

Highlight the current line where an error occurred (if any) with a flag of the chosen color at the left edge of the editing area.


Display a column of the chosen color at the left edge of the editor and optionally display Line Numbers.

Word Wrap

Soft-wrap text to the code editor's display width.

Code Highlighting

Highlight the shading language's syntax.

Code Completion

Suggest completions for common shading language constructs while typing.

Text Padding

Apply internal padding values to the code editor's display area.


Set the code editor's horizontal and vertical scroll bars to appear as needed, always or never.

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