
Modular OSC & MIDI touch control surface
TouchOSC Mk1 Manual

Setup Apple Logic Pro & Express

This is the manual for the Mk1 version of TouchOSC. You can find the manual for the current version here.

Minimum required versions

  • TouchOSC 1.6.2 or higher
  • Logic Pro or Express 9.1.2 or higher

Note: Make sure your Mac and all mobile devices are on the same wireless network when using them.

Adding TouchOSC as Control Surface in Logic
  • Start Logic v9.1.2 or higher
  • Start TouchOSC on your mobile device, and choose OSC from the Connections section
  • Select your Mac in the list of Found Hosts. The Host field should read something like YourMacName.local.. TouchOSC should then switch to the graphical UI
  • Logic will display the following alert:

Note: If you share the wireless network with other Logic systems, you may want to select the Don't show again check-box when adding your last TouchOSC device. This will prevent the dialog from appearing whenever other users start their TouchOSC devices. You can reset this alert suppression by re-enabling New > Automatic Installation in the Control Surfaces Setup window.

  • Click the Add button. Logic will add the device as a control surface and open the Control Surfaces Setup window

Note: If running the MacOS software firewall, an alert will come up when sending the first OSC message. You will need to confirm the alert so that Logic can communicate with the OSC device.

Note: It is not possible at this time to use customized Layouts or to learn OSC commands. However, authorized 3rd party developers can create Logic CS plug-ins which can use OSC-based communication.

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