
Control protocol test utility
Protokol Manual

Getting Started

Once Protokol is running, there is almost no setup required in order for it to work. Often just activating the 'Enabled' button is all that's necessary to begin.

MIDI or Gamepad Logging

Assuming you have some sort of MIDI interface or Gamepad already connected to your computer Protokol will find all available endpoints and begin displaying messages and events as soon as the 'Enabled' button is activated.

OSC Logging

In the case of monitoring OSC you will need to configure your OSC Client (e.g: TouchOSC) to connect to the OSC Host port provided by Protokol. Once Client and Host are connected, Protokol will begin displaying messages and events as soon as the 'Enabled' button is activated.

Please refer to your specific OSC Client documentation regarding OSC connections, or read our setup example for Protokol and TouchOSC.

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