
Modular OSC & MIDI touch control surface

Version 1.3.1

Jul 19, 2009

  • Minor bug-fixes and stability enhancements

Version 1.3

Jul 3, 2009

  • Ability to add custom layouts
  • Stability and performance enhancements

Version 1.2.1

Feb 21, 2009

  • Fixed network drop-out after longer period of operation

Version 1.2

Dec 4, 2008

  • Added ZeroConf/Bonjour network configuration
  • Much improved touch-tracking
  • Improved Settings Interface
  • New Setting "Double-tap lock" to switch views only on double-tapping "i"
  • Settings remember layout between runs
  • Fixed a bug where the Accelerometer would not be enabled correctly (again)

Version 1.1.2

Oct 24, 2008

  • Added support for receiving OSC bundles
  • Added "Transfer/Receive" indicator lights on front panel
  • System idle-timer gets disabled on start up
  • Fixed a bug where the accelerometer would not be enabled correctly

Version 1.1.1

Sep 30, 2008

  • Crash when device name contains certain combinations of special characters
  • Multi-toggle control on page 2 of the "Beatmachine" layout cannot be addressed past column 6
  • "Open"-angle of rotary controls is too small

Version 1.1

Sep 22, 2008

  • Added Accelerometer support
  • Added a new layout: "Keys"
  • OSC messages are sent on page selection
  • OSC message can be sent to the device to select current page
  • Added display of local IP address to main screen for convenience
  • Incoming port is now optional, leaving it blank will disable reception of messages on the device

Version 1.0

Aug 18, 2008

  • Initial release
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