
Modular OSC & MIDI touch control surface
TouchOSC Mk1 Manual

Control reference


This control is for display purposes only and does not react to touch or send messages. Values of incoming messages are mapped to the control's value range and update the brightness of the LED display.



/led 0.5
/led 1.0


This control has no additional properties.


This control is for display purposes only and does not react to touch or send messages. Values of incoming messages are displayed as text. Both textual and numeric values can be received and displayed.



/label 0.5
/label hello



Draw outline around control on/off


Fill control with background color on/off


The text displayed by the control. Can be changed with incoming messages.


The size of the text displayed by the control.

Push Button

This control sends the second value of its value range when pressed and the first value of its value range when released.



/push 1
/push 0


Send on 'Press'

Enable or disable the sending of configured messages when pressing the push button control.

Send on 'Release'

Enable or disable the sending of configured messages when releasing the push button control.

Local feedback off

When enabled no local changes to the value or display of the control are made, but the value it would change to is still sent out. The state/value of the control can only be changed by incoming messages.

Y position velocity

When enabled the Push button will scale the value sent on touch depending on the Y position the touch occurs at, ranging from the upper end of its value range when touched all the way at the top of the control, to the lower end of its value range when touched all the way at the bottom of the control.


Inverts the Y position velocity value along the y-axis of the push button control.

Toggle Button

This control changes state between on/off when released. When the state changes to on, the second value in its value range is sent, otherwise the first.



/toggle 1
/toggle 0


Local feedback off

When enabled no local changes to the value or display of the control are made, but the value it would change to is still sent out. The state/value of the control can only be changed by incoming messages.

XY Pad

This control maps the position of a touch along the x and y axes of its rectangle to its value range and sends out both values. Both x and y values use the same value range. The location of the minimum and maximum value positions of each axes can be inverted in the control's properties.



/xy 0.3 0.7


Invert X

Inverts the x-axis of the control

Invert Y

Inverts the y-axis of the control

Send reversed (Y X)

Sends messages with the order of parameter values reversed


These controls emulate classic fader and potentiometer controls on hardware devices. They map the position of a touch to their value range by interpolating between their minimum and maximum positions.



/fader 0.3
/rotary 0.7



Inverts the positions of the minimum and maximum values in the value range.


Sets the control's default position/value halfway between minimum and maximum positions/value.


In Absolute response mode any touch will make the control jump to its position/value.

In Relative response mode the initial touch will be remembered and not trigger any change and subsequent movements will be applied relative to the initial touch position.

No rollover (Rotary only)

This option prevents a Rotary control from changing its value from full to zero and vice versa when moving a touch beyond the beginning/end of its range.


This control emulates an endless rotary or encoder control on hardware devices. It sends the upper end of its value range when a touch is moved clockwise, the lower end of its value range when a touch is moved counter-clockwise. It does not respond to incoming messages.


This control has no additional properties.


This control is for display purposes only and does not react to touch or send messages. It displays the current battery charge of the device. It does not respond to incoming messages.



Draw outline around control on/off


Fill control with background color on/off


The size of the text displayed by the control.


This control is for display purposes only and does not react to touch or send messages. It displays the current time. It does not respond to incoming messages.



Draw outline around control on/off


Fill control with background color on/off

Show seconds

Whether to display the current time with seconds or without.


The size of the text displayed by the control.


This control groups multiple toggle controls into one control. A touch event can traverse multiple toggle controls in one gesture and change their values. This control accepts multiple touch events at the same time.



Addressing the first toggle in the first row (indexes in OSC path)
/multitoggle/1/1 0

Addressing the first toggle in the first row (indexes as parameters)
/multitoggle 1 1 0

Addressing all toggles at once of a 2x2 Multi-Toggle control (when parameter count matches toggle count, all toggles are set)
/multitoggle 0 0 0 0


Local feedback off

When enabled no local changes to the value or display of the control are made, but the value it would change to is still sent out. The state/value of the control can only be changed by incoming messages.

Exclusive mode

When enabled forces only one toggle control to be active at all times, making the control behave much like a group of "radio" buttons.


Number of toggle controls in the grid


This control behaves the same way as the XY Pad control but handles up to 5 touch-points at the same time. This control accepts multiple touch events. It does not respond to incoming messages


Invert X

Inverts the x-axis of the control

Invert Y

Inverts the y-axis of the control

Send reversed (Y X)

Sends messages with the order of parameter values reversed


This control groups multiple push-button controls into one control. A touch event can traverse multiple push controls in one gesture and change their values. This control accepts multiple touch events at the same time.



Addressing the first push-button in the first row (indexes in OSC path)
/multipush/1/1 0

Addressing the first push-button in the first row (indexes as parameters)
/multipush 1 1 0

Addressing all push-buttons at once of a 2x2 Multi-Push control (when parameter count matches push-button count, all push-buttons are set)
/multipush 0 0 0 0


Local feedback off

When enabled no local changes to the value or display of the control are made, but the value it would change to is still sent out. The state/value of the control can only be changed by incoming messages.


Number of push-button controls in the grid


This control groups multiple fader controls into one control. A touch event can traverse multiple fader controls in one gesture and change their values. This control accepts multiple touch events at the same time.



Addressing the second fader (index in OSC path)
/multifader/2 0.3

Addressing the second fader (index as parameter)
/multifader 2 0.3

Addressing all faders at once in a 4 fader Multi-Fader control (when parameter count matches fader count, all faders are set)
/multifader 0.2 0.7 1.0 0.0



Invert child fader controls


Center child fader controls


Number of fader controls

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